We radio: Welcome to the Institute of Digital Signal Processing
Our motto "Think Complete" stands for the endeavour to research novel radio systems from measurement, simulation and algorithms to prototypes in order to develop innovative and technically feasible solutions for the benefit of our society.
Radio systems are used for communications, localization, identification, material characterization, and imaging, and have multiple research challenges due to the highly non-ideal and often time-varying nature of the radio channel.
Radio systems were invented ~130 years ago and first used for voice transmission (radio broadcast) at kHz frequencies, then ~50 years later for image transmission (television broadcast) at MHz frequencies, and another 50 years later for data transmission (cellular, WLAN) at GHz frequencies.
The focus of research at DSV is therefore on future THz systems which, due to their extremely high bandwidth and frequency and possible sub-millimeter miniaturization, can enable entirely new applications, such as dynamic material mapping of our environment, high-precision motion detection of humans at any time and any place, detection of cancer cells in the body and of bacteria and viruses in the ambient air, miniaturized satellites for high-resolution atmospheric exploration, or even 24/7 monitoring of plants and insects.
The basis for such new applications is a state-of-the-art THz measurement technique, a powerful THz simulation platform to better understand and generalize the measurements, and subsequent THz signal processing to design suitable THz systems. The DSV department has the appropriate research infrastructure and expertise.
Therefore, a deep and at the same time broad understanding of THz systems is our research goal. As the Digital Signal Processing Institute, we are committed to publishing our scientific findings and implementing them for the benefit of society. We invite you to explore this goal together and look forward to being contacted.
Research and Teaching at the Institute for Digital Signal Processing
With this video we welcome our students and all those who are interested in our courses and research activities. The film was made in September 2020 as part of a faculty-wide project. In addition to the German soundtrack, English subtitles are also available.